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Town of Princeton, Mass. – Oct. 20, 2017 – 9 AM
Board of Selectmen – Conf. Call Meeting

Present:  Chair Jon Fudeman, Richard Bisk, Edith Morgan w/ TA Nina Nazarian. On phone were Monica Lamboy and Mike Ward from the Collins Center

9:00 AM   Opened meeting in Annex. Nina distributed a draft notice that the Facilities Steering Cmte. would like to place in the Princeton Directory potentially being sponsored/produced by the Historical Society.
        Monica reported that the Collins Center has 15 – 20 professional staff. She outlined how the initial project for the center was for a capital plan but before a kick-off meeting occurred, the BOS wanted to consider a broader study. Jon F. explained that in the financial area things appear to be sufficient, specifically after last night’s joint meeting. He said he would like talking to Collins Ctr. on a quarterly basis. He noted confusion about the roles and responsibilities of the Adv. Cmte, BOS and T.A. For example, job description for T.A. says that person prepares the budget, while state laws say that BOS takes on the budget and submits it at Town Meeting.
        Monica asked about other areas beyond finances. Richy offered that an analysis would be helpful to decide when an additional staff person may be hired to fill gaps. Jon added that C.C. could give some thoughts about outsourcing, regionalization, maybe with public safety, especially into the future. Monica asked about studying public safety functions. Nina recommended looking at all departments and not exclude any and selectmen agreed.
        Group speculated on whether Dept. of Local Services would approve any change in the project and redirecting the grant funds. Monica suggested creating a scope for financial matters and creating another to encompass other departments. If DLS doesn’t approve non-financial departments, Jon said he’s be willing to look at other funding sources to make up the difference. Mike W. said the group could look at the Town of Wayland proposal. Selectmen noted that any scope would not have to include education, or water/sewer, and that would limit scope as well. Mike W. said his team will work on extent of scope.
9:30 AM Ended conference call with Collins Center. Group discussed the merits/importance of including all departments in operational study. Further discussion on the FSC notice in the directory, and selectmen will review it and reply with any comments.
9:52 AM  Selectmen voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, town administrator and Marie Auger, admin. assist.

BOS Referenced Documents:  draft notice from Facilities Steering Cmte.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department